
Wellness Education
& Health Promotion

Giving your team access to trusted
and relevant health information.


Offering engaging wellness events, challenges and resources based on your unique objectives is crucial to the success of your wellness program.

wellness education

Wellness Offerings

Our clients ask us to create a wide variety of resources and events that cater specifically to their organizational wellness needs. Below is a sample of our most popular offerings, which are all fully customizable.

  • Full Year Wellness CalendarFull Year Wellness Calendar


    The first step in keeping employees engaged and interested in wellness is to offer programming, events and challenges that align with individual interests and organizational objectives. The second step is to schedule events throughout the year in a predictable and recurring way so everyone knows what’s planned and what’s to come.

    The purpose of your Wellness Calendar is to provide direction to create your Wellness Year Plan and to populate the calendar with exciting and engaging programs. Whether that means offering a Monthly Wellness Newsletter, Quarterly Wellness Challenges or full-service wellness programing, your Wellness Calendar is the foundation upon which your wellness program will be built.

  • NewslettersNewsletters


    We send you a professionally designed and developed newsletter each month to deliver to employees and post in high-traffic areas.

    Your newsletter will contain three articles covering:

    1. Exercise and Movement
    2. Healthy Eating
    3. Mental Health

    Each newsletter also features a recipe of the month. There will also be room for you to promote activities that are being offered at your site. Content can be customized to fit your wellness calendar and organizational needs.

  • Wellness-Themed PostersWellness-Themed Posters

    Wellness themes are decided on at the beginning of the year and our design experts create attention-grabbing posters to support them. Six posters are created each month and sent to you to post in high-traffic areas.

    The purpose of each theme is to create a focal point for wellness programming and to introduce consistency and education to the program. Wellness themes are also meant to educate employees on a variety of health topics in a visually appealing and easily accessible format.

    Monthly themes highlight global health observances, seasons and holidays to help increase relevance and engagement.

  • Wellness QuickBitWellness QuickBit


    Wellness QuickBits are interactive health promotion displays that educate participants in a fast and engaging way on specific health and wellness topics.

    Resource packages contain the following:

    • Instructions to set up the display including what is needed and suggestions based on your budget
    • Marketing poster and marketing email template
    • Title poster and instruction poster to be used for stand-alone tables
    • Display resources (posters, tent cards, quarter page displays) that vary depending on the QuickBit topic
    • Handouts

    QuickBits can be set up one of two ways:

    1. As a table with a health champion or Apex Wellness Professional delivering the information and interacting with participants as they stop at the booth.
    2. As a stand-alone booth with the information clearly displayed and instructions on how to engage with the resources.

    QuickBit Example: Hydration Station: Helping your employees discover their ideal hydration level and provide them with creative ways to flavour their water.

  • Wellness ClinicWellness Clinic


    The monthly Wellness Clinic focuses on ways to improve physical health. Each month your Wellness Clinic resource package will include an overview of the purpose of the clinic with instructions on how to set it up.

    Clinics can be delivered by:

    • Apex Wellness Professional: This approach ensures that any techniques or instructions are delivered properly and allows participants to talk about ways to improve the skills learned during the session.
    • A Wellness Champion or Stand-Alone Experience: This budget-friendly, internally-managed experience includes set up instructions and takeaway materials.

    Clinic Example: The Park Bench Workout: The focus of this clinic is to show participants how they can turn a simple park bench into a full gym! By the end of the clinic employees will be able to complete a full body workout using nothing more than a bench.

  • Wellness ChallengesWellness Challenges


    Wellness Challenges build a culture of health through friendly competition designed to bring your employees together.

    We provide clients with all the materials they need in order to run challenges. That includes:

    • Launch materials
    • Promotional emails and posters
    • Resources to support the challenge
    • Instructions for participants and wellness champions who will lead it
    • Incentive ideas
    • Tracking sheets
    • Anything else needed to ensure a successful initiative.

    Wellness Challenge Example: The Great Gratefulness Experiment! Designed to challenge your employees to take 5 minutes each day for 21 days to write down why they are grateful. The goal is to bring their life into perspective and focus on what really matters to them.

  • Health FairsHealth Fairs


    Health Fairs are a way for organizations to showcase the wellness offerings their employees have access to, highlight local resources or businesses of value, and are a way to build excitement about wellness at work. Our Health Fair service is designed to help you develop, market, implement and evaluate the success of an engaging event.

  • Lunch and LearnsLunch and Learns


    Sometimes a lack of free-time can keep employees from participating in wellness activities and from accessing health resources. Apex Lunch and Learns are the solution. Our Lunch and Learns are different—they are designed to be educational and interactive so that employees become part of the presentation. Topics are based on your team’s health risks and interests, and can be facilitated by an Apex Wellness Professional. We can also provide ready-to-go presentations to your Wellness Champion.