
Wellness Programs

Designing, developing, and delivering
engaging wellness programs your
employees will love.


Your wellness program will cater to the needs of your employees and have a significant impact on your team’s health and productivity.

full-service wellness programs

Well Served

The Apex Wellness program follows a proven methodology that is based on your organization’s objectives and employees’ interests, as well as the top health risks facing your team. Through six initial steps, we work closely with key personnel to improve your company’s health:



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wellness education


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fitness programs


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ergonomic assessments


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unique process


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Our Steps to Improving Your
Organization’s Health

The Apex Wellness program follows a proven methodology that is based on your organization’s objectives and employee interests, as well as the top health risks facing your team.


1)   Why Wellness

What is your ‘Why’? Is it to improve the overall health, and therefore, the overall productivity of your workforce? Is it to build a culture of health or attract and retain great talent? We learn your motivation for wanting to improve your team’s wellness and help make it happen.


2)   Management Support

A wellness program must be supported from the top down. When management supports a program, it sends a message to the employees that wellness is important. We provide the training and information to employers so they can set the example for others to follow.


3)   Strategy Development

Apex Wellness supports your program from start to finish. We begin by linking your wellness objectives to your overall organizational strategy to help your people easily align with your health initiatives. Taking a strategic approach to wellness sends the message that you are committed to creating an environment that supports everyone’s health.


4)   Collecting Data

A strong wellness program is built upon data from sources such as Health Risk Assessments, Wellness Needs Analysis Surveys and Benefits/Drug Usage Reports. We help you collect this information to help build a focused and effective wellness program with a defined baseline. Taking the time to collect this information allows you to effectively allocate your wellness budget.


5)   Building Program

With management support, a strong strategy and data from employee assessments, it’s time to create a custom wellness program that is interactive, fun and effective. We help you populate your Wellness Calendar with programs that address your employees’ top risk factors and initiatives that focus on their interests.


6)   Launch & Delivery

Your program sets the tone for what’s to come. Whether you host a wellness fair or time your launch with the health risk assessment initiative, we’ll help you get every employee engaged from the beginning. Our experience creating original launches will make sure your program starts strong and stays strong.

Integrating wellness into your company’s journey is a rewarding experience that leads to a dramatic shift in the wellbeing of your employees. By promoting health and productivity in your organization, you can unite your entire team.